Current Conditions Almanac
Last Updated: 23:01 on 19/4/24
Outside Temperature: 8.4°C
Today's High: 12.7°C at 13:27, Lo: 8.4°C at 22:53
Barometric Trend: 0.622
Sunrise: 5:50 Moonrise: 15:12
Sunset: 19:59 Moonset: 4:46
Moon Phase: 11
Parameter Value High Time Low Time Average Rate Rate Hi Time Rate Lo Time
Wind Direction ° NNW 359 18:22 0 18:14 337 -1.8 108.5 0:17 -339.2 21:18
Wind Speed mph 19 40 13:35 5 0:30 20 -0.6 15.2 9:00 -10.6 14:16
Gust mph 21 40 13:35 12 6:34 21 -0.5 12.1 9:51 -10.6 14:14
In Humidity % 49 53 11:14 48 18:11 49 -0.1 1.6 15:00 -2.1 16:09
Out Humidity % 34 56 18:10 1 0:15 41 -7.4 31.2 16:25 -15.3 0:17
In Temp °C 18.6 21.8 13:23 18.6 6:36 19.2 -0.66 1.14 11:56 -0.67 23:00
Out Temp °C 8.4 12.7 13:27 8.4 22:53 8.8 -0.37 0.60 7:15 -1.60 13:46
Barometer mb 1020.30 1020.40 22:55 1012.08 8:21 1019.68 0.622 1.170 18:36 -1.056 0:18
Total Rain mm 130.60 130.60 13:54 130.40 0:00 130.60 0.000 0.200 13:54 0.000 13:54
Wind Chill °C 4.4 10.0 8:02 3.6 22:57 4.9 -0.43 2.02 3:56 -2.77 13:43
In Heat Index °C 18.9 22.2 13:23 18.9 23:00 19.6 -0.66 1.09 11:52 -0.67 23:00
Heat Index 8.1 11.8 16:57 7.3 0:16 8.8 -0.71 1.14 16:25 -1.61 13:46
Dew Point °C -6.6 2.3 17:21 -44.9 0:16 -3.8 -2.75 12.93 16:25 -26.06 0:15
Barom Sea-level mb 1021.75 1021.85 22:55 1013.52 8:21 1021.13 0.623 1.172 18:36 -1.058 0:18
Parameter Month High Date Month Low Date Year High Date Year Low Date Yesterday High Yesterday Low 24 Hour Difference
Wind Direction 359 16/4/24 0 16/4/24 359 6/1/24 0 6/1/24 359 0 89
Wind Speed 66 15/4/24 1 1/4/24 66 15/4/24 0 4/1/24 34 1 1
Gust 66 15/4/24 3 8/4/24 66 15/4/24 0 4/1/24 34 3 3
In Humidity 59 5/4/24 45 16/4/24 63 19/2/24 39 15/1/24 56 48 -1
Out Humidity 57 9/4/24 0 1/4/24 62 16/1/24 0 1/1/24 56 0 13
In Temp 26.2 13/4/24 14.9 18/4/24 26.2 13/4/24 12.7 18/1/24 23.6 14.9 -2.2
Out Temp 21.5 12/4/24 5.2 10/4/24 21.5 12/4/24 -2.9 16/1/24 13.9 6.2 -0.8
Barometer 1028.08 11/4/24 987.16 1/4/24 1035.04 11/1/24 971.33 22/2/24 1021.28 1013.94 3.86
Rain 130.60 19/4/24 117.00 1/4/24 130.60 19/4/24 0.20 1/1/24 130.40 130.00 0.40
Wind Chill 21.5 12/4/24 0.9 18/4/24 21.5 12/4/24 -9.1 18/1/24 13.7 0.9 -1.1
In Heat Index 26.6 13/4/24 15.5 18/4/24 26.6 13/4/24 12.8 18/1/24 24.0 15.5 -2.3
Heat Index 21.8 12/4/24 3.9 10/4/24 21.8 12/4/24 -3.2 16/1/24 14.2 5.0 -0.3
Dew Point 10.6 13/4/24 -45.6 17/4/24 10.6 13/4/24 -50.3 20/1/24 4.4 -37.9 5.7
Barom Sea-level 1029.54 11/4/24 988.56 1/4/24 1036.52 11/1/24 972.71 22/2/24 1022.73 1015.38 3.86
Press Altitude -58 Hourly Rain 0.20 Degree Heating 52.5 Monthly Degree Day Cooling 0.0 Heat Index --- Beaufort Fresh Breeze
Cloud Base 2050 Daily Rain 0.00 Degree Cooling 0.0 Monthly Wind Run 6826 Comfort Index Cool
Air Density -309 24Hr Rain 0.40 Moon Phase 11 Yearly Deg Day Heating 6148.1 Forecast Mostly clear and cooler
Virtual Temp 8.8 Rain Rate 0.000 Monthly Rain 13.60 Yearly Degree Day Cooling 0.0 Station Barom Trend Rising
Vapor Press 3.74 Wind Run 478 Monthly Deg Day Heating 1000.4 Yearly Wind Run 34585 Barometer Trend Rising

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